TUMS&APEC Journal Club
Değerli üyelerimiz, TUMS&APEC Journal Club ile ilgili duyuru aşağıda yer almaktadır: APEC Online Journal Club According to the agreement signed between Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) and Asian Pacific Endodontic Confederation (APEC) on June 25th 2020, all the online journal clubs of APEC will be held and supported by TUMS. Since the meetings will be held online, TUMS is trying to find the most suitable time for all to attend and contribute to sessions. So please kindly complete this time poll -which will take about 2 minutes of your precious time- thoroughly, by Thursday August 20th. Thank you for your sincere cooperation. https://forms.gle/Ca1csrgr4cZ3tYcf6