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Instructions for Authors

The Turkish Endodontic Journal (TEJ) is the official journal of Turkish Endodontic Society published on the basis of independent and double-blind peer-review. The authors are invited to submit scientific articles, case reports, invited articles and comparison studies evaluating materials and methods of pulp conservation, endodontic treatment and dental materials. Endodontists and general dentists can learn about the recent concepts, trends, cutting edges and the latest advances in endodontic  treatment in this journal and  keep themselves update with rapid changes in this field. TEJ (Turkish Endodontic Journal) is owned by Turkish Endodontic Society and published twice each year in January, and June. Conferences and abstracts presented in the biennial International Congress of the Turkish Endodontic Society are also published as a special issue.

The most important conditions for acceptance in the journal include attaining high scientific value and having high citation potential. Submitted manuscripts should not be published or accepted for publication in elsewhere other than in abstracts, presentations, audits or thesis section.
All manuscripts are checked for plagiarism, replication, and duplicate publication. Such cases are subject to sanctions after evaluation in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics(COPE).

The format of the manuscripts must be in accordance with the standards of Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Individuals who have not contributed to the development of the manuscript should not be included among the authors. Author Contribution Form must be filled and submitted to the journal by the corresponding author for clarification of such conditions. Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, addition to or removal from the author list or order changes cannot be requested.

Statements of the conflict of interests and financial support are important elements of the publication policy. Authors are obliged to disclose any financial relationship or conflict of interest or any opposition that are needed to be known about the study. All financial supports or sponsorship, financial relationships and personal interests that might be relevant to the study should be reported by a letter to the editor during the submission of the manuscript, and necessary documents and permissions should be submitted when requested.

Ethics Committee approval is required for experimental and clinical studies and drug investigations in accordance with “WMA Declaration of Helsinki-Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects” and “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals”. The authors may be asked to submit Ethics Committee approval or a substitute official report, if required. In manuscripts reporting the results of experimental studies, written consents of the volunteer subjects or patients should be obtained after fully explaining the study procedures. The statements should be included in the “Methods” section that the approval from the Ethics Committee and informed consents of the patients have been obtained. Furthermore, in experimental animal studies, the procedures to relieve pain and discomfort of the animals should be described in detail.

By signing the Copyright Transfer Form, copyright of the submitted manuscript that is protected by national and international laws are transferred to the Turkish Endodontic  Society. Authors are not paid for the submitted manuscripts or for the materials contained in the content. All authors agree that they are not allowed to submit the manuscript to another publication organ without written permission of the Turkish Endodontic  Society and to authorize third parties or institutions for such purpose. Authors are responsible for all contents of the manuscript. All financial liability and legal responsibility associated with the copyright of the contained table, figure, or all other images protected by national and international laws belong to the author. Authors will also be responsible for all losses that the journal would suffer regarding this issue. Printed or digital versions of the images adapted from a published source should be properly cited and necessary permissions should be obtained from the copyright holder.

Full-text of the submitted manuscripts should be in English. Manuscripts in other languages will not be accepted.
Editor evaluates the manuscript for compatibility to the journal instructions before sending to the reviewers and inappropriate manuscripts are returned to the authors and asked for their revisions. Manuscripts that are compatible with the journal instructions are sent to two reviewers for review. Reviewers are selected among the independent experts having publications in the international literature on the topic of the manuscript. An additional reviewer is assigned where the two reviewers attest contradictory opinions. Research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses are evaluated also by statistical consultants in addition to peer-review. Manuscripts which are categorized as low-priority by the editors and reviewers are rejected. Furthermore, all manuscripts are checked for the grammar rules of English languages.

The authors are deemed to have accepted that required editions are to be made by the editors and the reviewers provided that this will not make a change in the main text and in the objectives of the manuscript.

If the manuscript is withdrawn during the evaluation process without a reasonable cause, the submission will be considered as “rejected” rather than “withdrawn”. Furthermore, manuscripts from authors who are not responding timely will also be rejected.

Text documents should be prepared in Microsoft Word using 12 point Times New Roman font and single line spacing. Online manuscript submission and evaluation system will guide the author in a step by step manner and allow quick and reliable submission of the manuscripts.

For double-blind peer-review, the names of the corresponding author and other co-authors, affiliations, and other information on the study centers should not be included in any part of the manuscript or images. Such information should be uploaded to the relevant section (title page) of the online manuscript submission system.

Abbreviations should be completely spelled out in the first use and given in parenthesis after the phrase. If a certain abbreviation is used in the abstract, it should be also written completely in the first mention within the main text and displayed in parenthesis after the phrase. Then, abbreviations should be used at the rest of the document. Nonstandard abbreviations should be avoided. No abbreviations are allowed in the title of the manuscript.

Pharmaceuticals should be specified with their generic names, and medical equipments and devices should be identified with brand name and with the name, city and country information of the company.
Anatomic terms and the names of the microorganisms should be used in their original forms in italic characters. Name of the microorganism should be written out in full in the first mention, then abbreviated by capitalizing the first name followed by a full stop and the name of the species should be written is lower case letters (Example; Streptococcus pneumoniae, S. pneumoniae)
The following forms should be uploaded during submission. Any procedure regarding the submitted manuscript will not be carried out until the delivery of these forms.

Copyright Transfer Form
Should be signed by all authors and uploaded to the system. If the authors are in different institutions and addresses, each author can sign his/her own seperate form.

Author Contribution Form
Corresponding author should include the names of the authors who contributed to the preparation of the study and the manuscript and upload into the system after signing the form.

Title Page
Title page should be uploaded to the online submission system as a seperate document and should include the title of the study in full, short title, open names of the authors with the current academic degrees, affiliations, and city and country names. Name, mail and e-mail addresses, and phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author should also be included. If the study had been presented at a meeting prior to the submission, the name, date and the place of the meeting should be stated in the page. Also, if there are any individuals or institutions to acknowledge, it should be stated in this page. Manuscript documents should be prepared in the following format.

Original Research
• Abstracts should be submitted through the online submission system and they should be structured with “Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion” headings without exceeding 250 words. Minimum 3, maximum 6 keywords should be provided with each submission. Keywords in English should conform to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms prepared by National Library of Medicine (NLM) ( html) while keywords in Turkish should conform to Turkish Science Terms (

• Main Text should be submitted in a single document and should include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References sections. Author and Institution information should not be included in the main document. Tables, figures, images, statement of conflict of interest and statement of financial support, if available, are placed at the end of the manuscript. Main text should not exceed 5000 words and the number of references should be limited to 50.

• Statistical analyses should be conducted in accordance with the international standards of statistical reporting (Altman DG, Gore SM, Gardner MJ, Pocock SJ. Statistical guidelines for contributors to medical journals. Br Med J 1983; 7: 1489-93). Statistical software should certainly be specified.

•Reviews are prepared by authors who are experienced and knowledgeable on a particular field and who have higher number of publications and higher citation potential in the international literature. The review should be prepared to explain, discuss, and evaluate the latest position attained in a particular topic for use in the clinical practice and should guide future studies.

• The manuscript file should contain the title in full, short title, unstructured abstract not exceeding 250 words, minimum 3 and maximum 6 keywords (keywords in English should conform to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms prepared by National Library of Medicine (NLM) while keywords in Turkish should conform to Turkish Science Terms (, main text divided into subheadings by the authors according to the subject discussed (suggested subheadings include Introduction, Clinical and Research Outcomes and Conclusion), references, tables, figures and images. Author and Institution information should not be included in the main document. The text should not exceed 5000 words and the number of references should be maximum 50.

Case Report
• Reports on cases that constitute challenges in the diagnosis and treatment, those offering new treatment methods or revealing knowledge not included in the books, and interesting and educative case reports are accepted for publication.

• The manuscript file should contain the title in full, short title, unstructured abstract not exceeding 250 words, minimum 3 and maximum 6 keywords (keywords in English should conform to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms prepared by National Library of Medicine (NLM) and main text divided into subheadings of Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Conclusion, References, tables and images. Author and Institution information should not be included in the main document. The text should not exceed 1000 words and the number of references should be limited to 10.

Letter to the Editor
• Manuscripts discussing the importance, overlooked features and deficient parts of a previously published study, comments on the subjects that might attract the readers’ attention and particularly those on educative cases are submitted in the form of Letter to the Editor. Apart from the experts in a particular field, other readers can also submit their comments in the form of Letter to the Editor.

• The manuscript file should contain title, unstructured main text not exceeding 500 words, and maximum 5 references. If the letter is concerning a previously published study, this study should be included as the first reference and cited in the document. This type of manuscript does not contain abstract and keywords.

Tables, figures, graphs and other images should be numbered in the order of citation within the text and should not disclose the names of the patients, doctors or institutions. Tables should be prepared in a Microsoft Word document using “Insert Table” command and be placed at the end of the references section. Do not send tables in JPEG, TIFF or other visual formats. In microscopic images, magnification and staining techniques should be specified in addition to caption text. All images should be in high resolution (minimum 300 dpi). Lines in the graphs should be in adequate thickness. Therefore, loss of details would be minimal if reduction is needed during press. Abbreviations should be explained in alphabetical order at the bottom. Roman numerals should be avoided while numbering the Tables and Figures, or while identifying the tables in the text. Decimal fractions in the text, tables and figures should be separated by decimals points in sections in Englis. . In particular, tables should be explanatory for the text and should not duplicate the data given in the text.

The reference numbers should be written using Arabic numerals after “et al.” if within the sentence or at the end of the sentence in parentheses (i.e. “(35).”) and all references should be listed at the end of the text in the order of citation. Only published data or manuscripts accepted for publication and in particular, the latest publications should be included. Authors are responsible for the authenticity of the references. Inaccessible data sources and those not indexed in any database should be omitted. Titles of the journals should be abbreviated in accordance with the Index Medicus-NLM Style (Patrias K. Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers [Internet]. 2nd ed. Wendling DL, technical editor. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007 - [updated 2011 Sep 15; cited Year Month Day] ( All authors should be listed unless there are more than 6; if there are more than 6, the first six authors should be listed, followed by “ve ark.” in Turkish articles and by “et al.” in English articles. Reference format and punctuation should be as in the following examples.

Journal: Bando M, Hosono T, Mato N, Nakaya T, Yamasawa H, Ohno S, et al. Long-term efficacy of inhaled N-acetylcysteine in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Intern Med 2010; 49: 2289-96.

Chapter in a book: Redlins S, Tishler PV. Familial influences on sleep apnea. In: Saunders NA, Sullivan CE, editors. Sleep and breathing. 2nd ed. NewYork: Marcel Dekker; 1994.p.363-7.
Nisan 2024